Location: Charlton, Massachusetts
Client: Massachusetts Turnpike Authority
Objectives: Reconstruct a failed slope at a highly steepened configuration and improve aesthetics along a major scenic traffic corridor.
Nature of Firm's Resonsibility
Serving as the soil bioengineering consultant to the lead engineering firm Haley & Aldrich, Inc.,
Robbin B. Sotir & Associates, Inc. performed :
The Massachusetts Turnpike Authority decided to reconstruct a failed slope on the Turnpike near Charlton,
Massachusetts (mile 79.3) that had a history of maintenance requirements due to continual failures caused
by seepage and freeze thaw conditions. The cost and inconvenience for associated continual clean-up, temporary
stabilization efforts, the threat to the traveling public along the Turnpike, and loss of private property made
it necessary to address the problem. Aesthetic considerations were paramount in the final solution along this
section of beautiful scenic highway.
Working with Haley & Aldrich, Inc., the prime geotechnical engineer, Robbin B. Sotir & Associates, Inc. designed a
vegetated reinforced soil slope system. This interdisciplinary team investigated the geotechnical considerations in
designing an oversteepened reinforced slope with backslope drains to intercept the horizontal movement of seepage. The
use of tensile inclusions from live branches and polymeric geogrids, made it possible to construct a highly steepened
4V to 1H vegetated earthen buttress slope. The vegetation installed was native materials collected from the local area,
including willow, dogwood, alder and viburnum species. The most challenging aspect of this project was to develop a soil
mix that would satisfy both the geotechnical requirements for slope stability and the agronomic needs for the vegetative
components of the project.
The construction of the slope was completed in February of 1996. Since completion of the project, the slope has required no maintenance activities. It blends into the natural surrounding landscape and offers a variety of upland habitat value for birds, amphibians and small fur bearing animals.